21 Days to Total Health: Take the Challenge!

What can you accomplish in 21 days?

You could de-clutter every room in your house. You could walk from San Francisco to Seattle. You could write a novel. You could break or start a new habit.

Or, you could transform your body and your life forever.

I’m going to do just that — and I want you to do it with me.

On October 31st, the UC Davis Integrative Medicine 21 Food Day Challenge begins. It’s a three-week journey of 100% whole food, plant-based eating. The best part? Not only do you get a huge network of support, full of people like you who are trying this thing out together, but you’ll get everything you need to plan and prepare your meals for all 21 days. That includes checklists to help you meal plan and shop plus recipes, recipes, and more recipes — plus, the chance to win all your meals delivered to your door for FREE. In fact, the entire challenge is completely, entirely, 100% free.

What You’ll Get

So why take the UC Davis Integrative Medicine 21 Food Day Challenge? What are you really going to get from this, besides the unknown of diving into an entirely new way of eating? Let me tell you…

In just 21 days of eating a whole food, plant-based diet, your body can be entirely transformed. I’m not just talking weight loss, although you could easily lose 5 lbs., 10 lbs., possibly even more right away. Here are just some of the ways my body changed — and others who have taken the plunge — after giving it body the best fuel that nature has to offer:

  • Clear, younger-looking, glowing skin
  • More restful sleep
  • Better moods and fewer mood swings
  • Increased attention and focus
  • Better memory
  • Relief from food intolerances — even permanently
  • More energy
  • Improved digestion
  • Fewer headaches
  • Relief from muscle pain and tension
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Lower and more stable blood sugar
  • And more.

This isn’t marketing hype; I experienced these very things myself when I changed my diet a year ago (read my story here and here). I even got my body back after a twin pregnancy and dared to bare it all in a bikini (gasp!).


In fact, countless people all around the country and the world have reclaimed their health and rediscovered their happiness, just by changing the way they eat and focusing on more whole, plant-based foods. You can read some of their stories here, or see for yourself by watching a number of life-changing films from the folks at Food Matters — documentaries like “Hungry for Change” and “Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead” that helped me wake up from the food coma I was in and understand how to truly nourish myself for good.

Why take the challenge?

I have nothing to gain from you joining this challenge; it’s all entirely a creation of and supported by the UC Davis Center for Integrative Medicine. I’m not being paid a commission or earning rewards for encouraging people to sign up. So why pass this info along? Because I believe in the power of whole foods, plant-based living, and much of what I have learned along my journey I learned thanks to the UC Davis Center for Integrative Medicine. I have experienced my own transformation and I have seen it in others, and the effects are powerful. They truly are life-changing. And I want the same for you.

Look, I know that changing your diet and eliminating some of your favorite foods may seem like a sacrifice or a huge inconvenience. But what’s more inconvenient: learning a new way to feed yourself, or suffering a life of poor physical and mental health? The choice is entirely yours. No, it‘s not up to your DNA or your family history; it’s all about what we put into our bodies, mentally and physically. So you decide: Do you want to live a healthy, energetic, joyous life, or a life of sickness and disease? Do you want to take your health in your own hands, or leave it up to doctors after you’ve already lost your health and happiness?

This isn’t a trick question, folks. It’s the chance of a lifetime. And I do hope you’ll take it with me.


To find out more about the 21 Food Day Challenge, visit the UC Davis Integrative Medicine blog. You’ll learn what the challenge entails, read up on all the support you’ll get, and sign up for the challenge there — plus, when you sign up you’ll be automatically entered to win 21 days of free whole food, plant-based meals delivered to your door. And who doesn’t want free food??

So go ahead, click on over and sign up now. After you do, come back and leave a comment so I’ll know who’s in this with me. I’ll be talking about it more on this blog as we go along, so if you haven’t already signed up for the Healthy Little Changes newsletter do it now so you won’t miss out. I can’t wait to do this with you!!


8 thoughts on “21 Days to Total Health: Take the Challenge!

  1. Jacklyn Hunt says:

    I signed up. Am a little nervous about cutting out some of the foods I love, but would like to look and feel better….so here goes!


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